Automatic Train Operator

Can you safely deliver passengers as quickly as the automated system? Try this interactive game to…

Train Scales

Balance the passengers on each carriage for an efficient journey. Built by W19Design for the London…

Digital coffee tables

Digital coffee tables connected to Li-Fi, a light based Wi-Fi system based on tech from Bristol…

Interactive Audio Map

An interactive map combing art and science

Laser Harmonics

Play two notes while a laser projects the wave forms onto a screen. If the notes…

Indoor bird hide

HD screens shows scenes and wildlife from the local area to allow visitors to experience getting…

Touchscreen console

HD Touchscreen with small but powerful computer. Can be used to run a wide range of…

Film Music

Try different clips of music and see how it changes the mood of the film. Music…

Be The Conductor

Try to conduct a real orchestra while they play. This immersive interactive puts you in control…

insideDNA promotional exhiblets

A set of 4 mini exhibits that tour to venues that are too small for the…